Anti-Aging Tips From The Inside Out
So many anti-aging tips focus on how you can get your skin to look as young as possible. In fact, you can flip open any magazine or turn on the television to see endless advertisements about shrinking pores and minimizing wrinkles. But if you truly want to look your youngest, it’s not enough to just focus on your skin’s appearance…
You need to focus on anti-aging tips from the inside out.
Ever heard the expression about how when you’re happy, you appear more beautiful? There’s a lot of truth in that: When you take care of yourself in terms of nutrition, exercise, and hormones, you won’t have to solely rely on your skincare regimen to help you look younger – because you’ll already feel younger!
Ready to start feeling like you’re as young on the inside as you are on the outside? Then it’s time to schedule an appointment with Atlanta’s premier cosmetic destination: Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics in Roswell, Georgia. Serving the greater Atlanta area, Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics is owned by Dr. Linda Kelley, an expert in anti-aging medicines.
Part of her expertise includes using natural bioidentical hormones to help increase energy, mental concentration, and even sex drive. Bioidentical hormones are identical to the body’s natural hormones, except they’re derived from plants. These hormones can help reduce some of the most common symptoms of aging, including:
- Hot flashes
- Mental fogginess
- Low libido
- Vaginal dryness
- Erectile dysfunction
- Constant fatigue
Bioidentical hormones are an excellent solution for clients who want to feel energetic and revitalized. Dr. Kelley can work with you to identify the best bioidentical hormones based on your symptoms and needs. Dr. Kelley will also monitor your hormones to ensure you’re experiencing the best results possible.
In addition to bioidentical hormones, Dr. Kelley also offers a range of skincare treatments that ensure your skin looks as good as you feel. From Botox fillers and chemical peels to skin tightening treatments with Excilis, you’ll find everything you need to look and feel younger.
If you’re ready to turn back time with a combination, schedule a consultation with Dr. Linda Kelley at Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics in Roswell, GA. Call (770) 649-0094 today to learn more!
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The Beauty of Bioidentical Hormones
You work hard to ensure you feel your best. You eat well, work out, and generally try to avoid the things that you know are bad for you (we’re looking at you, cigarettes and excessive alcohol use). But it seems like no matter what you do, something seems to be holding you back. You’re finding it difficult to get in the mood, or you’re constantly feeling fatigued no matter how much sleep you ended up getting.
As frustrating as these feelings might be, there are solutions you can use to feel better again – and it could be as simple as bioidentical hormone therapy at Cob Wellness and Aesthetics. Located in the greater Atlanta metro area, Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics is owned and operated by Dr. Linda Kelley, an expert in anti-aging medicines. In addition to her current menu of anti-aging treatments, Dr. Kelley is pleased to offer her clients an array of benefits that come hand-in-hand with bioidentical hormone therapy.
In essence, bioidentical hormone therapy uses natural hormones that are exactly like those found within the human body – the only difference is, these hormones are derived from plants. Bioidentical hormones can be administered in a variety of ways, including creams, pills, and even pellet therapy, where the hormones are injected into the body. Clients who see the best results from bioidentical hormone therapy typically display the following symptoms:
- Fatigue
- Loss of sexual drive
- Headaches
- Lack of concentration
- Loss of muscle
- Thinning hair
- Weight gain
- Sluggish energy levels
Bioidentical hormone therapy can help improve these symptoms, as the hormones can help replace any testosterone or estrogen that is lost due to the aging process. The end results can include higher energy levels, a more robust sex drive, loss of fat, and mental clarity. Bioidentical hormone therapy can even produce significant beauty benefits, like thicker hair and clearer skin.
At Cobb Wellness and Aesthetics, Dr. Kelley can recommend, administer, and oversee your bioidentical hormone therapy. By working closely with Dr. Kelley, you can start enjoying the clarity, focus, and energy that comes from superior bioidentical hormone therapy. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Linda Kelley today to discover the beauty of bioidentical hormone therapy.
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